Katina's Family Hurricane Fund

Donate via PayPal
* I'm working with friends at PayPal hopefully to waive the transaction fees…I'll let you know how it goes.

Short version of the story:
My wife Katina is from New Orleans and her family was affected significantly by Hurricane Katrina. They're all accounted for, safe, and doing okay, and they're currently in Dallas, Texas and Brandon, Miss. If you'd like to donate to her family, we set up a PayPal link above. Otherwise, just keep us in your prayers. You know how Katina and I do things, we're going to take care of business and make sure our family is taken care of.

Here's the full story:
Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans about two weeks ago (just as I was finishing Ironman Canada). Most of my wife's family evacuated and usually, they can come back in two to three days. But clearly not this time. All of our family lives on the West Bank so it looks like their property may still be in tact and wasn't damaged too badly by the flooding. Not sure what the hurricane damage was like but they can't go back home. There's nothing to go back to yet. It's looking like 6 months to a year before they can go back home.

Our family includes:
In Dallas, Tx
Katrina = (Katina's sister…yup her name is Katrina)
Joe and Gary = Katrina's 7 year old and 4 year old
Debra = Katina's aunt
Charlene = Katina's aunt
Tiphane, Ricky, Tynia (& Leroy) = Charlene's kids, Leroy is Tynia's husband

In Brandon, Miss.
Rochelle = Katina's Mom
Grandma Ellen and her husband
Darlene & Alaiya = Katina's aunt and cousin

Alaiya and Gary Frederick the Third!

Our family in Brandon is in good shape. Our family in Texas could use some help. They're essentially having to start over. The kids were supposed to start school already and so we have to take care of that. Katina and I actually pay for Gary to go to school. He goes to Arden Cahill Academy, one of the best schools in New Orleans. So, getting the kids to a good school is a priority for us. Also, everyone is pretty much out of a job, FEMA isn't much assistance, and we have four kids to take care of.

What the money will be used for:
– essentials until we get these guys settled into a job
– food, gas money, clothes
– household items, they have to start from scratch with household goods
– stuff for the kids
– medicine

We've sent some money over but not a lot yet. They still have to establish bank accounts in Dallas.

They've got apartments, three via HUD, so rent will be covered for a year. We're working on getting FEMA relief help (which is just ridiculous), insurance stuff, and other paperwork.

I'll write more as we go. But thank you already for all your support. It's very much appreciated.

what matters

Before I forget, things I learned while on sabbatical.
What matters is 1) spending time with people you care about, and 2) doing things you enjoy. I'd like to add leaving things better than you found it/changing the world for the better as much as you can and in your own way.

About This Web Site

Welcome! rebron.org is my (Rafael Ebron) home on the web. It's my way of participating, sharing my random thoughts to anyone who might find what I have to share interesting. I hope some of what I write ends up being useful to somebody.

I've been on the web for a while (Geocities, etc) but I think my earliest record might be from 2000!

These days, I'm mostly writing about daily life in Oakland California, work and topics that interest me usually related to web browsers and emerging Web technology, and Ironman triathlons (and some snowboarding) which I enjoy doing. I try and not write anything too deeply personal but that is sometimes hard to do.

We still haven't figured out the Web much — how to really use it, privacy, the implications for participation, centralization of data, the scattering of profile information, authentication, etc. Let's try and figure it out.

Bear with me as I'm a notorious publisher/deleter of my own content and we'll see how the rest of goes.

*If you didn't catch it, the masthead photos are of home – Oakland, Kirkwood, and (a friend's house, which shouldn't really count but the picture was cool). Get it? This is my home page. Nevermind.

Ironman Canda '05 is in the books

Ironman 2.0

I can't wait to look up Technorati for other folks who blog about Ironman Canada up here in Penticton. I doubt there will be many entries there were "only" 2400 participants (largest so far) and of course thousands of spectators and 4500 volunteers just amazing.

Quick Summary: I finished, doing it again next year, it was a pretty cool day outside of my own race and this is not an easy day.

Ironman Day started for me at 3am with breakfast. I prepared my race food, had some Peet's coffee from Alex and headed off to take care my bike and drop off my gear/food around 5:15am w/ Kris. (By the way, I did the race w/ Team in Training's Ironteam a one of a kind). I had a flat tire when I went to pump up my bike and a friendly bike barn technician took care of it for me. I watched as my teammates went by and headed off to the start line.

Right side! You know like the movie Remember the Titans. I helped my friend Alex on the swim to the first buoy with Jeff, one of my heroes who already did Ironman Couer D'Alene a couple months before. This was Alex's third try at making the swim cut-off and this year he made it, the highlight of this whole race — you just wouldn't believe.

The swim, otherwise, was pretty boring except I was able to a good chunk of it with my friend Jeff by my side. The bike ride (especially on a new double crankset) was pretty hard but aero bars which I used for the first time was great and helped me shave some time. I caught up with a lot of my teammates and as I walked the marathon, they caught up to me which was nice. The highlight of the bike ride was seeing Alex on the bike, it was beautiful sight. When I left him at the first buoy, I honestly wasn't very confident he'd make it. I was just crossing my fingers the whole time.

Anyhow, the marathon/walk was uneventful. I was doing a lot of math just to make sure I squeaked in on time. I hung out with Colin most of the evening, a Canadian Mountie, and we chatted and had a good time. He's a big dude like me, and it was his first Ironman. I also had never seen so many ambulances before on a race. There were also about 200+ people who didn't finish the race.

I came in with 23 minutes to spare. Katina walked the last mile and a half with me and I took her by the arm and cross the finished line (wearing my Firefox t-shirt, if I may add, can't wait to post the photos). I got a couple slices of pizza and hung out at the finish. I gave a hug to Alex, Susan, Kris, Gina as they all made it to the finish. It was pretty incredible. It's the big perk for being so slow this year.

The team was great! Everyone, from all the familes and staff cheering us on through the wee hours of the night. I'm getting my massage today, hopefully can walk and drive to work by Wednesday. And I'm signing again for this for next year and signing up a friend as well. While I'm signed up to be on the team next year, I maybe on the fence.

Oh, so some takeaways:
– The best kisses in the world are: wedding day kiss, and Ironman race kisses at the top of mile 100 on the bike and at the very end of an Ironman race. Those kisses are just amazing.
– People in Canada are so nice. This is such a great country and very pretty too.
– I need to train next year and actually lose some weight, I can't carry all this weight around with me next year. I need to at least drop 20lbs.
– Opera CEO's 1 million download publicity stunt where he said he'd swim to the USA was so dumb and I took it as a personal insult as I actually do swim and that would've been pretty cool. The CEO ended up blaming his PR Manager. The whole thing was just absolutely lame. Our (Mozilla's) PR manager, mcolvig, did his darn Ironman race. We don't do publicity stunts here, we just get our stuff done and try to do big things.

the replacement

So my bike broke, so here's the replacement. A little bit lighter and now just a double chain ring. Riding a new bike at Ironman Canada is going to be interesting. (not supposed to do anything new)

chasing Tim Deboom

It was a good weekend, not perfect, or great, but it was good. Spent the weekend in Guerneville for the 1/2 Vineman Race.

We left late on Friday evening to stay at this bed and breakfast the Ridenhour Inn. I can't say I can recommend the accomodations, Garden View was more like view (and sounds) of the major thoroughfare but it was 3 miles away from the start of the race and the breakfasts were really good (also, 1/4 mile away from Korbel).

On Saturday, Katina and I had a full day. Woke up late, had breakfast, wine tasting at Korbel and Roshambo, lunch in Healdsburg, shopping at Macy's, race registration in Santa Rosa, and dinner at an Italian restaurant.

Sunday was race day.

Highlights included: seeing Tim Deboom and Peter Reid do a swim to bike transition in 30 seconds (I took 8 minutes), seeing most of my teammates, seeing this fairly good looking woman athlete let out this major belch, seeing this dude with bloody nipples (blood dripping down his shirt), learning that Jeff Kutash got a drafting penalty (after I told him I was trying to get one), finishing the run even though I couldn't push off of either feet, getting Doug and Glen a primo parking spot, and seeing Katina at the end. The prior week was actually harder. While the Vineman race was a 7 hour workout, last week was a 9 hour workout.

In any case, not a bad way to spend a weekend.

City of Guerneville


Trying to strike a balance with this post, too much web stuff lately. This weekend I'm going up to Guerneville with Katina, for the 1/2 Vineman Race. Guerneville is supposed to be a gay and lesbian destination, but I wouldn't call it the West coast equivalent of Provincetown. I was there last year but for the race so didn't get chance to see Guerneville that much. I think Guerneville is on the Russian River and there's a lot of great wineries in the Sonoma/Russian River area. One of them is Roshambo. There's a bunch out here (that's why they call the triathlon Vineman).

The Bedroom Closet

When we first moved into our house, our bedroom closet had a deadbolt lock on it – on one side a key hole, and the other a knob (some deadbolts have key holes on both sides). What was weird was that the key hole side was inside the closet and the knob facing the bedroom. If you can't visualize that, you could essentially lock someone in the closet if they didn't have a key. Freaked me the hell out.

When we got the locksmith re-keying all the locks in the house, he turned around that deadbolt so that the key hole side was facing the bedroom. We were thinking of removing it but he said to keep it because it's perfect if you had people coming over to work on the house or on vacation, you could just put everything in the closet and lock things up.

Every once in awhile, when I think about the lock, I still get freaked out. What the hell was that used for? Who was locked in the closet? Is the paint on the door covering up finger nail scratches on the door from someone clawing their way out? Was it one of those kinky closets? I kinda want to know and kinda don't either. The locksmith had said maybe it was for some crazy kid or crazy older person. Who knows except for that person who put that lock in there in the first place.

The Lure of IronTeam 2006

Probably not going to do IronTeam 2006. For anyone wanting to do an Ironman, it's a big time suck and it's very costly. To even get started you need to buy the following:

– bike gear ~$3,500 ($2k for the bike, the rest for clothes/shoes and maintenance)
– run gear ~$250 (shoes)
– swim gear ~$300 (wet suit, goggles, etc)
– other gear ~$200-300

Then there's the race entry which is $500 at least, and travel to the Ironman event, and races/travel in between at $100-200 a pop. Then there's food and stuff.

Once you get past that initial expense, it's still costly to keep doing these Ironman events. Still need to pay for travel and race entries, maintenance, and tune-ups. It's not a cheap sport (but it sure is fun!).