super cool modes of transportation

I've stumbled on a bunch of cool (cool to me anyway) modes of transportation.

Here's that list:

Tesla Motors: the electric sports car that looks like a Lotus but gets 135 miles per gallon, 0-60 in 4 secondsĀ 

The Mark V bicycle from Iro Cycle. It's very old school, fixed gear bike used a lot by the messengers in San Francisco. What's extra cool are the bikes w/ the horn style handle bars. These bikes are pretty cheap too about $550.

Another bike, the Xtracycle. It's basically a bike w/ huge panniers. They call it the sports utility bicycle.

The new Segways have been out for a while. They're cool I guess. You can see 'em around the Google campus or in San Francisco w/ tourists on them. They're great except when it rains. Then you're s.o.l.

I'd love to get one of the Tesla cars. I wouldn't get anything else on this list even though it's all very cool. We've already got an BMW X3, a Trek Madone 5.2 SL road bicycle, rollerblades, snowboards, and that's really much too much already.

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